Sunday, January 3, 2010


Dost thou thirst for surreal atmosphere? Seek no further... Paysage d'Hiver from Switzerland is a genius at capturing the quintessence of what makes up a dark wintry night. Led by a single man under the monicker Wintherr, Paysage d'Hiver happens to be a French title which means Winter Landscape, and his music is generally the epitome of such. What makes this demo so special to me is that this recording in particular seems to be a sort of deviation from his typical route of taking the listener down that beaten path into the heart of the frostbitten night, and instead decides to devulge into the lightless and lifeless corridors of the tortured abyss amidst the agony of the suffering spirits. Kerker, meaning dungeon in German, happens to be a very inspirational "song" for me, and depending which version you receive the track titles appear either as:

1. Kerker


1. Tiefe
2. Schritte
3. Schatten
4. Gang


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