Friday, March 5, 2010


Galgeras, hailing from the Netherlands, is an occult black metal band lyrically revolving around black magick, murder, and desecration. Those that were destined to hang in the gallows is what the name Galgeras represents, it's the spirit of all that is vile, crooked, sinister, the heart of the eternal heretic wandering the earth. Hellegast is an absolutely mesmerizing dive into the tumultuous realm of the occult through a black vein of shrouded mystery. Emitting from these four songs on this demo is purely evil magick, black magick, for there is no other way of life for Galgeras, this is the one path. Lo-fi black metal that never loses that touch of mysticism, always guiding you to the light within the darkness. A truly undiscovered gem of a demo, essential.

1. Barashakushu
2. I see All
3. Night Beckons
4. Zwarte Magie handhaaft Karma

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